5 Ways GTA V Online Made Me A Smarter Entrepreneur

What robbing virtual banks taught me about passive income

Along with 99% of the world, I suddenly had a lot of free time. My daily commute vanished, and my job required only 1-hour per day. I committed to using that time creatively.

I needed a way to upskill and become a better entrepreneur. Never let a good crisis go to waste as a wise man once said.

Friends suggested online copywriting courses, video editing classes, or meditation.

What I did start doing was playing my Xbox again and in particular, GTA V. This would prove to be one of the best business schools I’ve ever attended.

Let me breakdown the 5 key lessons, becoming an online crime boss has taught me. No real-life crimes were committed for the purposes of writing this article.

1. Compounding your income will make you rich.

Single missions will make you wealthy, but compounding incomes from your passive businesses are required to make you really rich. As in life, having a job will keep some money rolling in regularly. If you desire to live the good life in Vinewood or Hollywood, you are going to need to move from worker to owner.



Gary Fox — The Entrepreneur Experiment

Irish Entrepreneur & Podcaster. I write each week about podcasting, my startup journey, productivity & tech.